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This does not at all imply that the scales and teeth themselves have been produced by mechanical stimulation, or that the difference between the dermal denticles of Elasmobranchs and the scales of Teleosteans correspond to differences of stimulation.

Sexual differences in scales, which have a function in the relations of the sexes, occur in a few other fishes, and these can be attributed with good reason to mechanical stimulation. For example, in the Rajidae among Elasmobranchs the males possess on each 'wing' or pectoral two series of large, recurved, hooked spines.

By such means Needham was able to demonstrate, however crudely, that there are considerable differences in the various fluids occurring within and around the fetus. Furthermore, it is with the results of chemical analyses that he supports his other arguments, such as his contention that the egg of elasmobranchs is not, as believed, composed of only one humour, but has separate white and yolk.

In the seas Elasmobranchs and Teleosteans exist in swarming numbers side by side, but it is impossible to say that one type is more adapted to marine life than the other.

There is good reason to believe that bony fishes were evolved from Elasmobranchs in fresh water which was shallow and foul, so that lungs were evolved for breathing air, and that marine bony fishes are descended from fishes with lungs; but no reason has been given for the evolution of bone in place of cartilage or for the various kinds of scales.

The "pavement-toothed" sharks, which at first represent three-fourths of the Elasmobranchs, dwindle in turn, and in the formidable spines which develop on them we may see evidence of the great struggle with the sharp-toothed sharks which are displacing them. The Ostracoderms die out in the presence of these competitors. More evident still is the effect of the new conditions upon the Crustacea.

But if considerations of this kind compel us to place the origin of vertebrated animals at a period sufficiently distant from the Upper Silurian, in which the first Elasmobranchs and Ganoids occur, to allow of the evolution of such fishes as these from a Vertebrate as simple as the Amphioxus, I can only repeat that it is appalling to speculate upon the extent to which that origin must have preceded the epoch of the first recorded appearance of vertebrate life.

But if considerations of this kind compel us to place the origin of vertebrated animals at a period sufficiently distant from the Upper Silurian, in which the first Elasmobranchs and Ganoids occur, to allow of the evolution of such fishes as these from a Vertebrate as simple as the Amphioxus, I can only repeat that it is appalling to speculate upon the extent to which that origin must have preceded the epoch of the first recorded appearance of vertebrate life.

For example, among fishes in the Elasmobranchs Myliobatis and Spinax; in Teleosteans, in Zoarces; in Reptiles, in Anguis and Seps. Buehler on the other hand, confirmed my own negative result with regard to oviparous Teleosteans, and also found no hypertrophy of the follicle in Cyclostomes which are also oviparous.