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Those most interesting English critics of the generation slightly anterior to Macaulay, Hazlitt, Lamb, De Quincey, Leigh Hunt, were fully his equals in precision, and yet they knew how to be clear, acute, and definite, without that edginess and inelasticity which is so conspicuous in Macaulay's criticisms, alike in their matter and their form.

"Hed this man Maggard ever been over hyar afore? Did he know ther Harpers when he come?" Hump Doane still shot out his questions in an inquisitorial manner but Bas met its peremptory edginess with urbanity, though his face was haggard with a night of sleeplessness and fatigue. "He lowed ter me that his folks hed lived over hyar once a long time back.... Thet's all I knows."

From her open bureau drawer, with a sudden impish impulse towards worldly wisdom, she extracted first of all the photograph of the young brakeman. "See, Helene! My new beau!" she giggled experimentally. In mild-eyed surprise Helene Churchill glanced up from her work. "Your beau?" she corrected. "Why, that's Zillah's picture." "Well, it's mine now!" snapped Rae Malgregor with unexpected edginess.

Still, the world-regenerators may really be quite excellent performers on their own jews'-harps. Blame the edginess of my teeth. Now I am going to launch words into space so mind your cosmic eye. As I said in my small but naturally immortal book, "Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious," there's more in it than meets the eye. There's more in you, dear reader, than meets the eye.

You need only look at this picture to know that here is a people messing with uniforms and explosives, a people still hot with the ape and the tiger in their breasts." Beth was thinking that America was not yet aeons distant from this Japanese institution, the male incubus of the girl child. She did not speak, for she was thinking of what she had said in the studio of the edginess of her temper.