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On neither side of the water, said he, had he any one to whom the law obliged him to leave his property nor, indeed, any large wealth; only a little money in bank a very indefinite statement. In 1855 the will was still unwritten. There is little room to doubt that this state of affairs did much interest Camille Ducour at a distance. The Englishman may have known him by sight.

All in a tremor one day a messenger, Attalie's black slave girl, came to Camille to say that her mistress was in trouble! in distress! in deeper distress than he could possibly imagine, and in instant need of that wise counsel which Camille Ducour had so frequently offered to give.

Be assured you shall get your fifteen hundred, and Attalie shall have the rest, which as Attalie tells me she has well known for years will be about thirty thousand dollars. Gentlemen, our dinner at the lake will be waiting. Good-day, Mr. Ducour. Good-day, Madame Brouillard. Have no fear. Mr. Ducour is going to render you full justice, without unnecessary delay, in solid cash." And he did.

Then the patient resumed with stronger voice. "I will and bequeath to my friend Camille Ducour" Attalie started from her chair with a half-uttered cry of amazement and protest, but dropped back again at the notary's gesture for silence, and the patient spoke straight on without hesitation "to my friend Camille Ducour, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars in cash."