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We came to a rank where several droshkys were standing; and he paused irresolute, fumbling in his pocket. "We will drive, Paul," he asserted aloud, with the air of a man who has just decided to indulge in an extravagance. "Yes, I say we will; the storm comes soon, and thy mother is alone."

Such droshkys are still to be seen in our town. Stopping at the corner of the cathedral for there were a number of carriages, and mounted police too, at the gates the lady sprang out of the droshky and handed the driver four kopecks in silver. "Isn't it enough, Vanya?" she cried, seeing his grimace. "It's all I've got," she added plaintively. "Well, there, bless you.

He was drinking in the wide and massive Russian effects, the drifting crowds in the entangling streets, the houses with their strange lettering in black and gold, the innumerable barbaric churches, the wildly driven droshkys, the sombre red fortress of the Kremlin, with its bulbous churches clustering up into the sky, the crosses, the innumerable gold crosses, the mad church of St.

The devil take them! There are no droshkys, but they are all new, pretty carriages with one and often two horses. The horses are splendid. On the box sit dandies in top-hats and reefer jackets, reading the newspaper, all politeness and readiness to oblige. The dinners are good. There is no vodka; they drink beer and fairly good wine. There is one thing that is nasty: they make you pay for bread.

I got into one of the horrid little droshkys, in which one sits on very damp cushions, and an "izvoztchik" in a heavy coat takes one to the wrong address always! The weather has been so thick, the rain and snow so constant, that I had not yet seen Petrograd.