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"Mud's cheap, an' all the diff'runce in holdin' is, ef I nicked the side o' yer haid it'd hurt ye 'bout the same as ef what I nicked the center o' hit. Ain't that so? We'd orto practice inderstry an' 'conomy, Jim. Like my mother said, 'Penny saved is er penny yearned. 'Little drops o' water, little gains o' sand, says she, 'a-makes the mighty o-o-ocean, an the plea-ea-sant land."

Do you s'pose they'd ever 'a' cleared him, if they hadn't knowed he had rich friends? Oh, I can't bear to think of it before! It's like the diff'runce between being out in the cold and wet, with nobody to care, and being inside by the fire, with ev'rybody good-natured. It's easier with the work, and with the children, and with ev'rybody.

It don't make no gre't diff'runce how it's done, so long as I can do it." And after further triumphant survey of the situation, he went away. "Hiram," said Cap'n Sproul, with decision, turning from a long survey of Mr. Luce's retreating back through a broken window of the town house, "this thing has gone jest as far as it's goin'."

Then it was Nan's turn to look uncomfortable, and the color rose in her cheeks as she answered, "I can pay now for all he needs. You know Mrs. Hunt gets a double quantity of bags and I work on them every day." But this answer did not satisfy Tode. "That don't make no diff'runce," he growled.

"I don't give a red hoorah how you leave, so long as you leave before you've busted up this fair trot programmy and all," retorted Mr. Wallace, bridling. "I've got three men waitin' ready to come into this stand. They don't wear plug hats, but they know the diff'runce between a dog-fight and a hoss-trot." "Take this!

"But you had told them you wouldn't take the office you insisted that you were going to resign you said " "It didn't make any diff'runce what I said when I said it things was headed into the wind and all sails was drawin' and I was on my course.