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"En tout, sa sainte volonte soit faite; s'il veut que des ceste heure nous mourions, o la bonne heure pour nous! s'il veut nous reseruer a d'autres trauaux, qu'il soit beny; si vous entendez que Dieu ait couronne nos petits trauaux, ou plustost nos desirs, benissez-le: car c'est pour luy que nous desirons viure et mourir, et c'est luy qui nous en donne la grace.

In 1813, being desirons of settling further west, he first went to Utica, N. Y., and after remaining there a few months, he proceeded, with a horse and buggy, to Cleveland, where he arrived in October, 1816, the population of the place then being only about 150. He established himself here as a merchant tailor, and pursued the business steadily about twenty years, and with success.

In this effort to ennoble the French language, to give it grace, number, perfection, and as painters do to their pictures, that last, so desirable, touch cette derniere main que nous desirons what Du Bellay is pleading for is his mother-tongue, the language, that is, in which one will have the utmost degree of what is moving and passionate.

Lord Lansdowne mentioned an instance of the present King Louis Philippe's presence d'esprit: a mob in Paris surrounded him "Que desirez-vous, messieurs?" "Nous desirons Napoleon." "Eh bien, allez donc le trouver." The mob laughed, cheered, and dispersed. I have seen dear good Joanna Baillie several times, and the Carrs.