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Updated: September 29, 2024
Lord Lansdowne mentioned an instance of the present King Louis Philippe's presence d'esprit: a mob in Paris surrounded him "Que desirez-vous, messieurs?" "Nous desirons Napoleon." "Eh bien, allez donc le trouver." The mob laughed, cheered, and dispersed. I have seen dear good Joanna Baillie several times, and the Carrs.
That more than anything else this first year came to typify to her Paris, the people, men as well as women, who came in for their cakes or syrop, the eagle-eyed Madame perched high at the comptoir, holding the entire business in her competent hand, and all the deft girls in their black dresses, nimbly serving, "Oui, Madame! Voici, Monsieur! Que desirez-vous?" etc.
He had spoken of a guest at the Club, to account for evening dress another lie, but what did it matter? He was lying all the time, if not in words, in action must lie, indeed, to save her suffering! He stopped at the Frenchwoman's flower shop. "Que desirez-vous, monsieur? Des oeillets rouges j'en ai de bien beaux, ce soir." Des oeillets rouges? Yes, those to-night! To this address.
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