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He was given a commission, and at the request of Van Derwater was attached to the same regiment as himself. Together they had crossed to France, and were among the first American troops in action. In the months that followed, Selwyn had revelled in the carnage and the excitement of war.

He handed it to Selwyn. 'WASHINGTON, November 2, 1916. 'Personal and Confidential. 'MY DEAR VAN DERWATER, As a boyhood friend of your father's I have been most anxious to accede to your request for release from your present duties. I may say that in my desire to do the fairest thing by you, I went so far as to place the facts of the matter before the President himself.

Do you see that big tree over in the bush? Can you make it out? Well, when you get across the river, just line your lamps on that tree, and after half a mile or so you'll come to a sunken road. Report to Major Van Derwater, and tell him you're the only army M'Goorty that's me has found so far.

'Of course, there is an amazing amount of drivel written over here, most of which, I think, would never get past the office-boy of an American publication. The English short story and the English music-hall are things to be avoided. 'Before I end, have you seen Gerard Van Derwater recently? I heard that he joined the diplomatic service at Washington after leaving college.

The tank had been discovered by the ex-Belmont waiter and sent on to the bridge. 'Pass word along, said Van Derwater crisply, 'to prepare for an attack. The tank will go first, and when it is astride their machine-gun position we will go forward and drive them out of the brushwood into the open.

Van Derwater had just passed thirty, but the premature thinness of his hair in front, the listless droop of his heavy shoulders, and the bluish pallor about his firm jaw contrived to make him appear older than he was. There was a kindliness in the wrinkles about his eyes, and his mouth, though solid, was not lacking in indications of intuitive understanding.

'Good! Van Derwater slightly inclined his head as an indication that he was satisfied. 'We need every man. You had better take them in your section and equip them with rifles from casualties. A few minutes later, after he had procured food for the two men, who were growing faint with hunger, Selwyn resumed his post.

On being ordered to advance, they jumped down into a sunken road which constituted an admirable trench, and were at once surrounded by American soldiers. 'I was ordered to report to Major Van Derwater, said Durwent. They were asked various questions, and were then escorted a few yards to the right, where an officer was looking over the bank which hid the road.

As Selwyn finished the letter, a flush swept into his cheeks and his jaw stiffened with his old fighting mannerism. 'This is infamous! he cried hotly. 'Do you accuse me of disloyalty to my own country? 'I do, said Van Derwater calmly. Selwyn's fists clenched with fury.

As Selwyn entered Van Derwater rose from his chair and greeted him with a restrained courtliness that was gentlemanly to a degree, but had an instantly chilling effect on the visitor. It was the room the owner used for lounging or reading, and the only light was the shaded one on the table.