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Chauffeurs had to be developed out of men who had never driven before. They were even taken from huts and detailed to this work. In this first touring car Colonel Barker with one of the newly arrived adjutants for driver, started to Demange. Twenty kilometers outside of Paris the car had a breakdown. The two clambered out and reconnoitered for help.

He ordered them, therefore, not to extend the work of the Salvation Army within his brigade. It was explained to him that Demange was now within the territory named. He appeared to be put out that the Salvation Army was already established in his district, but said that if they behaved themselves they could go on, but that they must not extend.

Another party of Salvation Army officers, men and women, arrived from New York on September 23rd, and these were quickly sent out to Demange which for the time being was used as the general base of supplies, but later a house was secured at Ligny-en-Barrios, and this was for many months the Headquarters. One interesting incident occurred here in connection with this house.

When the two men finally arrived in Demange the Military General greeted them gladly and invited them to dine with him. He had for a cook a famous French chef who provided delicious meals, but for dessert the chef had attempted to make an American apple pie, which was a dismal failure.

The Salvation Army officer who with his wife was put in charge of the hut at Demange, soon became one of the most popular men in camp.

A Y.M.C.A. hut, however, followed quickly on the heels of the Salvation Army at Demange and the night of the opening of the Salvation Army hut someone came to ask if they would come over to the Y. and help in a meeting. Sure, they would help! So the Staff-Captain took a cornetist and two of the lassies and went over to the Y.M.C.A. hut.

M. Demange represented Gaudry as acting under the influence of his passion for the Widow Gras. Lachaud, on the other hand, attributed the crime solely to Gaudry's jealousy of the widow's lover, and contended that he was the sole author of the outrage. The jury by their verdict assigned to the widow the greater share of responsibility.