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Even now it seemed incredible that he should not turn out to be more distinguished than young Marvell: he seemed so much more in the key of the world she read about in the Sunday papers the dazzling auriferous world of the Van Degens, the Driscolls and their peers. She was roused by the sound in the hall of her mother's last words to Mrs. Heeny.

The Harmon B. Driscolls, young Jim and his wife, the Thurber Van Degens, the Chauncey Ellings, and all the other Fifth Avenue potentates, seemed to have their doors perpetually open to a stream of feasters among whom the familiar presences of Grace Beringer, Bertha Shallum, Dicky Bowles and Claud Walsingham Popple came and went with the irritating sameness of the figures in a stage-procession.

"Mrs. Heeny, you've got to tell me the truth ARE they as swell as you said?" "Who? The Fairfords and Marvells? If they ain't swell enough for you. Undine Spragg, you'd better go right over to the court of England!" Undine straightened herself. "I want the best. Are they as swell as the Driscolls and Van Degens?" Mrs. Heeny sounded a scornful laugh. "Look at here, now, you unbelieving girl!

Undine Spragg of Apex, about to be introduced into an inner circle to which Driscolls and Van Degens had laid siege in vain! It was enough to make her feel a little dizzy with her triumph to work her up into that state of perilous self-confidence in which all her worst follies had been committed.

Spragg was standing near her mother, who sat in a drooping attitude, her head sunk on her breast, as she did when she had one of her "turns." He looked up abruptly as Undine entered. "Father has mother told you? Mrs. Fairford has asked me to dine. She's Mrs. Paul Marvell's daughter Mrs. Marvell was a Dagonet and they're sweller than anybody; they WON'T KNOW the Driscolls and Van Degens!" Mr.

Heeny who peopled the solitude of the long ghostly days with lively anecdotes of the Van Degens, the Driscolls, the Chauncey Ellings and the other social potentates whose least doings Mrs. Spragg and Undine had followed from afar in the Apex papers, and who had come to seem so much more remote since only the width of the Central Park divided mother and daughter from their Olympian portals. Mrs.