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Our father was a soldier, and a right good one; and if I were old enough I think even now I should escape and join the royal party, broken as it may be, and by all accounts is, at this moment. Deer-stalking is all very well, but I fly at higher game."

On the deer-stalking expedition Macleod simply refused to take his rifle with him and spent all his time in whispered consultations with Hamish, and with eager watching of every bird whose solitary flight along the mountain-side might startle the wary hinds.

"Never heard of it," quoth Quill; "let's have it by all means. I'd like to hear what the duchess said to him." "It was na what the duchess said to him, but what he said to the duchess, ye ken. The way of it was this: My uncle Caimbogie was aye up at the castle, for besides his knowledge of liquor, there was nae his match for deer-stalking, or spearing a salmon, in those parts.

"But when, like him, a man must give up deer-stalking and at every movement makes a wry face and can scarcely repress a groan it might move a stone to pity! he ought to choose another motto. Persuade him to do so, Quijada, if you are really his friend." The smile with which the nobleman listened to this request plainly showed the futility of the demand.

The blood marks on her chin and throat might very well be accounted for on the supposition that, instead of following her master, she had gone aside from the trail to give chase to some large animal a mountain goat or a big-horn antelope, and that she had attacked and perhaps killed it, as she had been trained to do when out deer-stalking in her native Highlands of Scotland.

Captain Argent had very high animal spirits, and a small joke sufficed to wake them into buoyant laughter, which was infectious by its very abundance. 'Deer-stalking is the right word; I've done it in Scotland, but now I mean to try my hand on the moose grandest of American ruminants. I've engaged an old trapper to come with me for a few days into their haunts.

Deer-stalking, where the sportsman has to reckon on the wind, and its curious twists and turns in valleys and round rocks, would be a very near approach to it did the stalker stalk alone. But all this work is usually done for him by an attendant, a native Highlander; and this man really does pit his intelligence against that of the stag.