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"What he needth ith water," Bud declared. "I'll bet he'th not had a drop for two dayth." "How can you get some, Bud? We can't reach the river from here," I said. "Bah! all mud, anyhow. I'll climb till I find a thpring. They're all around in the rockth. The Lord give Motheth water. I'll hunt till He thoweth me where it ith." Bud put off in the bushes.

We been frightened for dayth becauth of the earwigth we've theen like lobthters they wath two of 'em, Thir and the frightful way the canary creeper wath growing, and directly I heard the waptheth directly I 'eard 'em, Thir, I underthood. I didn't wait for nothing exthept to thow on a button I'd lortht, and then I came on up. Even now, Thir, I'm arf wild with angthiety, Thir.

'And mamma nearly, said Mrs Vaughan. 'And I am tho tired. I think Chrithmath dayth are very dull. One dothn't know what to do. 'That isn't peculiar to Christmas days in your year, said the colonel, sarcastically; 'but I suppose we had better go to bed. I hope we shall be more amusing to-morrow, Freda. All your old friends, the constant Sir Hugh amongst them, are invited to meet you.

The dining-room was crowded; and as soon as dinner was over we went outside and sat down together where we could visit our fill unmolested. They wanted to know about my doings, but I was too eager to hear all the home news to talk of myself. "Everybody all right when I left," Bud asserted. "I got off a few dayth before thith mitherable thon of Erin.