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The poor women poured out their wrath on the men, telling them they would go straight to the chief, but were answered only with mockery of their chief and themselves. They turned in despair, and with their outcry filled the hollows of the hills as they went, bemoaning the loss of their peats and their creels, and raging at the wrong they had received.

He said something of the duty of my attending the evening service; but added with a causticity natural to him, that "in troth, if folk couldna keep their legs still, but wad needs be couping the creels ower through-stanes, as if they wad raise the very dead folk wi' the clatter, a kirk wi' a chimley in't was fittest for them."

The men took off their socks and went to the shoemaker's to buy wooden shoes instead. Then they set out, the nets over their shoulders and creels on their backs. Mme. Rosemilly was very sweet in this costume, with an unexpected charm of countrified audacity.

Open spaces are left for the insertion of the creels as before. In still water, a fish-trap is employed of the same shape and plan as the common round wire mouse-trap, which has an opening surrounded with wires pointing inward. This is made of reeds and supple wands, and food is placed inside to attract the fish.

Dame Lanreath had promised, after they had sold the contents of their creels, to wait some little time to see the Flurry dance and the gay people who would throng the town. Nelly looked forward to the scene with pleasure, her only regret being that Michael had been unable to accompany her.

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither wae's me! wae's me to think o't!"

Ralph had raised the lantern to the level of the mare's creels to remove the strap that bound them, and the light had fallen on his face. "Ralph, is he hurt much hurt?" "He is dead!" Willy fell back as one that had been dealt a blow. "God help me! O God, help me!" he cried. "Give me the reins," said Ralph, "and be here when I come back. I can't be long.

Every day, while still she could, she walked out along the shadeless suburban road to Alan's grave in the parched and crowded cemetery. Women trudging along with crammed creels on their backs turned round to stare at her. When she could no longer walk, she sat at her window towards San Luca and gazed at it. There lay the only friend she possessed in Perugia, perhaps in the universe.

Of all poachers of salmon, perhaps that one with whom one is least out of sympathy was the man is he now extinct, one wonders? who, fishing with trout-rod and fly, and bearing on his back the most modest of trout creels, instantly, when he came to a likely cast for a fish, was wont to change his trout fly for a salmon one.

Its editor announced that its purpose was to help win the war by telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. He defied the Creels, the Daniels, and the Burlesons, adopting the motto, "To hell with the censors and bureaucrats." The journal was an instant success.