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Thus the unit of quantity is the coulomb, the unit of current or quantity flowing per second is the ampere, the unit of electromotive force is the volt, and the unit of resistance is the ohm. The quantity of water or any other "electrolyte" decomposed by electricity is proportional to the strength of the current.

Sir William has done more than any other electrician to introduce accurate methods and apparatus for measuring electricity. As early as 1845 his mind was attracted to this subject. He pointed out that the experimental results of William Snow Harris were in accordance with the laws of Coulomb.

Now the Society has gone along those lines, along which every religion has gone, from the time of the Coulomb trial. What has been the effect of that on religions? A weakening power.

The capacitance of a condenser or a circuit is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity that will keep the charge at a given potential. The farad, whose symbol is M, is the unit of capacitance and a condenser or a circuit to have a capacitance of one farad must be of such size that one coulomb, which is the unit of electrical quantity, will raise its charge to a potential of one volt.

With regard to the slight oscillations of torsion which he has specially studied, M. Bouasse arrives at the conclusion, in an acute discussion, that we hardly know anything more than was proclaimed a hundred years ago by Coulomb.

The time had now come when that which had seemed a lawless wonder should have its laws investigated, formulated and explained. A man named Coulomb, a Frenchman, is the author of a system of measurements of the electric current, and he it was who discovered that the action of electricity varies, not with the distance, but, like gravity, in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance.

This curious sheath" he pointed to a cylindrical jacket around part of the rifle barrel "is a Coulomb silencer, which reduces a small-arm report almost to a whisper. Here is an electric button which was connected with yonder battery before I operated on it with the chair, and distributed its spark, part to the gun, part to the flash-light powder on this little shelf. Do you see the plan now?

Although this theory had long before been developed by Vince and Coulomb, and was well known to scientific men as an established truth, yet, at the time when Stephenson made his experiments, the deductions of philosophers on the subject were neither believed in nor acted upon by practical engineers.

The capacitance of a condenser or a circuit is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity that will keep the charge at a given potential. The farad, whose symbol is M, is the unit of capacitance and a condenser or a circuit to have a capacitance of one farad must be of such size that one coulomb, which is the unit of electrical quantity, will raise its charge to a potential of one volt.

The pressure of public reprobation was so strong, the force of unbelief so crushing, that the members of the Society itself shrank back and were afraid to face public opinion, ignorant and persecuting as it was; and it is pathetic and interesting to read the letters she wrote in the years immediately succeeding the Coulomb difficulty, in which she pointed out that those to whom she had brought the light were ashamed to stand beside her under the conditions to which she was then exposed.