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"Charlie, is there a back yard, or something, where the sun is, you know some nice, grassy place where I can sit, and dry my hair, and let the breezes blow it?" "Back yard!" grinned Charlie. "I guess you're new to N' York, all right, with ground costin' a million or so a foot.

"A real gory legend," Scotty murmured. Both Jan and Barby glared at him. "Sorry," he muttered contritely. "It's a very romantic story," Barby said tartly. Rick and the Millers suppressed smiles. "Anyway," Jan went on, "the creek has been known as Costin's Creek ever since. Well, Captain Costin quartered his men in the town. You know how it was.

But Captain Costin couldn't stand not seeing his Ellen, so he somehow got a message to her, to meet him at the mine." It was the first Rick had heard of a mine. He asked, "Can I ask a question? Where is this mine and what kind is it?" "The mine is right across the creek, just beyond the bridge," Jan explained. "We could see it from here if the trees weren't there.

Jimmy stared incredulously. "A lady to see me? Rot! It's some mistake " "No, sir, begging your pardon, sir," said Costin stolidly. "It's if you please, sir, it's Miss Farrow." Jimmy stood immovable for a moment, then he turned round slowly and mechanically, almost as if someone had taken him by his shoulders and forced him to do so.

His face looked red and feverish, his eyes had a sort of unnatural glazed look, but he was sufficiently well to be able to swear when he saw his friend. "Costin fetched you, of course. Interfering old idiot! He thinks I'm ill, but it's all bally rot! I've got a chill, that's all. What the deuce do you want?"

"It'll be costin' ye no more?" he said interrogatively, glancing at the consul's boat crew, "or ye'll be askin' me a fair proportion." "It will be the gentleman's own boat," said the girl, with a certain shy assurance, "and he'll be paying his boatmen by the day."