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At that time, say 1830, Torthorwald was a busy and thriving village, and comparatively populous, with its cottars and crofters, large farmers and small farmers, weavers and shoemakers, doggers and coopers, blacksmiths and tailors.

The Peter Coopers and other good men honestly believed that if intelligence could be added to industry, each workingman who faithfully attended these schools could walk into increased skill and wages, and in time even become an employer himself.

Those are really a most useful and industrious class of misnamed men consisting of the carpenters, sailmakers, coopers, blacksmiths and other artificers, besides the cook's mates and yeomen of stores. In our ship the lot numbered no less than some seventy in all, who every morning assisted in this praiseworthy task!

She dined publicly in state; a procession of the municipal magistrates presented her a sample of the wines of the district; and, as she tasted the luscious offering, the coopers celebrated what they called a feast of Bacchus, waving their hoops as they danced round the room in grotesque figures. It was a busy day for her, that first day of her arrival on French soil.

The file-cutters, the bricklayers'-laborers, the pattern-makers, the coopers, the book-binders, the joiners and shipbuilders! What, is there no end to them? Hi, make way for the journeymen glaziers! Yes, you may well smile they are all their own masters!

During dinner, in the company of Monsieur and Madame Stopfer, retired coopers from Neufchatel, he questioned them as to the neighborhood, and ended by learning all he wanted to know about the lady, thanks to his hosts' loquacity; for they were ready to pour out their budget of gossip without any pressing. The fair stranger's name was Fanny Lovelace.

A sailor we had recently impressed, and who the day after entered, informed us that it was the fashion for the men of the West Indian and Guinea ships, when on shore, to disguise themselves, sometimes as American women, at other times as tradesmen, such as coopers, shoemakers, etc. On entering the second house, the scene was laughably ridiculous.

Among the families who formed the congregation after the war were the Bakers, Balls, Chichesters, Fairfaxes, Fitzhughs, Fergusons, Gunnells, Hunters, Mosses, Ratcliffes, Ryers, Stuarts, Terretts, Towners, Burkes, Coopers, Loves, Rumseys, Moores, Fords, Bowmans, Keiths, Thorntons, Bleights, Moncures, Ballards, and McWhorters.

It was put into barrels manufactured by the plantation coopers and much of it ultimately found its way to the West India market. A tradition much quoted has it that barrels marked "George Washington, Mount Vernon," were accepted in the islands without any inspection, but Mr.

For this last improvement, Mr J. Wilson was obliged to take up his freedom of the city, that he might apprentice the lads to himself, as it is a rule among the coopers that no one follows this trade, which is a close one, without having learned it by regular apprenticeship.