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In the Holy City the aged Rabbis of the Sacred Colleges alone betrayed misgivings, fearing that the fine would be annually renewed, and even the wealth of Chelebi exhausted. Elsewhere, the Jewries were divided into factions, that fought each other with texts, and set the Word against the Word.

Provoked by a real or imaginary insult of his uncle, he escaped from the Roman to the Turkish camp: his apostasy was rewarded with the sultan's daughter, the title of Chelebi, or noble, and the inheritance of a princely estate; and in the fifteenth century, Mahomet the Second boasted of his Imperial descent from the Comnenian family.

"He who is sent thee," wrote Nathan to Raphael Joseph Chelebi, this pious and open-handed Prince in Israel, "is the first man in the world I may say no more. Honor him, then, and thou shalt have thy reward in his lifetime, wherein thou wilt witness miracles beyond belief. Whatever thou shouldst see, be not astonied. It is a divine mystery. When the time shall come I will give up all to serve him.

Even Sabbataï's old enemy, Chayim Penya, was magnanimously presented with a kingdom. "To thee, my well-beloved Raphael Joseph Chelebi of Cairo," wound up Sabbataï, "in whose palace Melisselda became my Queen, to thee, under the style of King Joash, I give the realm of Egypt." The Emperor of the World rose, and his Kings prostrated themselves at his feet. "Prepare yourselves," said he.

According to the Katib Chelebi, who, over two centuries ago, made the "Kabr Shaykh el-Kifafi" the second pilgrim-station south of El-Muwaylah, a certain Bedawi chief, El-Kifafi, was killed with a spear, and his tomb became a place of pious visitation. It is said still to exist between the Wadys Salma and Kifafi.

Would it were granted me to follow him now!" Chelebi was prepared to follow Sabbataï forthwith; he went to meet Sabbataï's vessel, and escorted him to his palace with great honor. But Sabbataï would not lodge therein.

From his casement Sabbataï looked up at the silent stars and down at the swaying sea of faces. "What if the miracle be not wrought!" he murmured. "If Chelebi refuses to sacrifice so much of his substance! But they believe on me. It must be that Jerusalem will be saved, and that I am the Messiah indeed."