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"Why, it's in mighty near ever'body's mouth, son!" said Caleb, in mild surprise. "You certain'y didn't take any pains to cover it up." "Didn't take any pains? Why, in the name of God, should I?" Tom burst out.

"That bright red stone in the buckle; how can you consider THAT MOURNING? And your veil shouldn't stick I mean it ought to hang down properly." Minervy looked deeply perturbed. Shifting from one patent-leather-shod foot to the other, she answered: "Well'm, well'm, I dare say you's had more spurrience in dese hyer t'ings 'n I is, but dat ston certain'y did strike ma heart.

The dark-browed man studied Phillips curiously. "You're certain'y game," he announced. "I s'pose now you'll be wanting to sell some of your outfit. That's why I've been hanging around that game. I've picked up quite a bit of stuff that way, but I'm still short a few things and I'll buy " "I haven't a pound of grub. I came up second-class." "Huh! Then you'll go back steerage." "Oh no, I won't!

You show me the man 'at says I done any such low-down thing as that, and I'll frazzle a fifty-dollar hawsswhip out on his ornery hide I will, so. Say, boy; you don't certain'y believe that o' me, do ye?" "I don't want to believe it of you, Japhe," quavered Tom, as near to tears as the pride of his eighteen years would sanction. "But somebody saw and told, and made it a heap worse than it was."