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In one age successful cattle-lifting is a virtue, a few hundred years later company-promoting takes its place as a respectable and legitimate business. In England and America Christianity is fashionable, in Turkey, Mohammedanism, and 'the crimes of Clapham are chaste in Martaban. In Japan a woman dresses down to the knees, but would be considered immodest if she displayed bare arms.

Your estates have been longer in the seisin of one family, madam, than any other in the Riding, or perhaps in Yorkshire." "We never seized them!" cried Mrs. Carnaby, being sensitive as to ancestral thefts, through tales about cattle-lifting. "You must be aware that they came to us by grant from the Crown, or even before there was any Crown to grant them."

Men who have lived among them have assured me that they are decidedly intelligent, especially in all matters relating to cattle, and that they are though somewhat addicted to cattle-lifting and other primitive customs not tolerated in the more advanced stages of civilisation by no means wanting in some of the better qualities of human nature.

These victories put new life into our men, and they became cheerful, and did not continually harp on our defeat. Through Hector and Donald we came to know the men of the Black Watch well, and spent much of our leisure time with them, listening to their tales of cattle-lifting and of fighting in the Border.

In a Pathan country murder, rapine, and cattle-lifting are comparatively venial offences, little more indeed than instances of lightheartedness; but to draw a map of the country is worse than the seven deadly sins rolled into one, and short will be the shrift of him who is caught in the act.

But falling into bad company, he first took to cattle-lifting, afterwards turning highwayman, as which he was eventually caught by the Abd es-Sadok family various members of which were kaïds from Ceuta to Azîla and consigned to prison in Mogador.

And we find accordingly a general acquiescence in "the good old rule, the ancient plan, that they may take who have the power, and they may keep who can." Cattle-lifting is as common as it formerly was on the Scottish border.

The wrath of the Scots, already kindled by the intrusion of English priests into Scotch livings and by the grant of lands across the border to English barons, was fanned to fury by the strict administration of law and the repression of feuds and cattle-lifting.

As among the Highlanders and Borderers of Scotland, cattle-lifting was looked upon as a perfectly respectable form of employment, and stolen cattle were considered a quite proper gift for a prospective bridegroom to offer to his father-in-law.

W. B. PRYER, and before he could do much harm, he lost his life by the capsizing of his prahu while on a trading voyage. At Tampassuk, Mr. PRETYMAN, the Resident, had a very uncomfortable post, being in the midst of lawless, cattle-lifting and slave-dealing Bajaus and Illanuns. He, with the able assistance of Mr.