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She spent this night in her patient's room, keeping the fire roaring and catching catnaps in a chair by the hearth; and the skipper haunted the other side of the door. Toward morning the girl asked for a drink, as sanely as anybody could, took it eagerly, and then sank into a quiet sleep. The old woman nodded in her chair. The skipper tiptoed back to the kitchen and flung himself across his bed.

She did not recognize this remarkable transition until later; and then she discovered that Cutty, the suave and lackadaisical in idleness, was a tremendous animal hibernating behind a crackle shell. Ordinarily Cutty would have declined to come through this shell, thin as it was; he liked these catnaps between great activities.

At last she fell into troubled catnaps. From one of these she awoke to see that the morning light was sifting through the darkness. Her bones and muscles ached from the constraint of the position in which the rope held them. She was shivering with the chill of an Arizona mountain night. Turning her body, the girl's eyes fell upon her captor.

Except for a few brief catnaps in the jeep, he had been awake continuously for forty-eight tense hours. Scotty scratched his head. "There are a few buildings we haven't searched yet." "No, but they wouldn't be in those. If the men were going to leave them here, they'd drop them nearby and not hide them in one of the distant buildings. But I suppose we'd better look, anyway." "We'd better.

Or, an idle bull would try and beat him out." "Which are the idle bulls?" asked Colin. "Those fellows at the back who came late or were beaten in the fight for places. They would charge down and take the harem, if he left it." "Well, then, how does he sleep?" "Doesn't sleep much," was the reply; "just little catnaps. Five or ten minutes at a time, perhaps. Light sleepers, too.