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So it came that when we had a blow-out as the crown of a dozen other petty disasters which had delayed our progress toward Santa Ysobel, and found our spare tire flat, Barbara jumped down beside Worth where he stood dragging out the pump, and stopped him, suggesting that we save time by running the last few miles on the rim and getting fixed up at Capehart's garage.

It was now near sunset, and the enemy's cavalry thinking the day was theirs, made a dash at Smith, but just as the assailants appeared in the open fields, Capehart's men opened so suddenly on their left flank as to cause it to recoil in astonishment, which permitted Smith to connect his brigade with Custer unmolested.

Standing on the sidewalk in front of the Fremont House, I felt sort of bewildered. This last crack had taken all the pep I had left. I suddenly realized it was long after dinner time, and I'd had no dinner, no lunch, nothing to eat since an early breakfast. Worth had sent me to the girl and I hadn't gone. I dragged myself around to Capehart's cottage as nearly whipped as I ever was in my life.

Rosser attempted to delay us here, trying to burn the bridges over the Middle Fork of the Shenandoah, but two regiments from Colonel Capehart's brigade swam the stream and drove Rosser to Kline's Mills, taking thirty prisoners and twenty ambulances and wagons.

"When we came past Capehart's, and she wasn't there, I " "Oh, that's only a scratch," I hurried to assure the boy. "Barbara'll be all right." "So Jim said," he agreed soberly. "I'm afraid you're both lying to me." "All right," I climbed in beside him. "We'll go and see. She's up at your house waiting for you." As we headed away for the other end of town, he spoke again, half interrogatively,