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Updated: February 10, 2025
On the other hand, no student of Jonson will need to be reminded how closely and precociously familiar the big stalwart Westminster boy, Camden's favoured and grateful pupil, must have made himself with the rankest haunts and most unsavoury recesses of that ribald waterside and Smithfield life which he lived to reproduce on the stage with a sometimes insufferable fidelity to details from which Hogarth might have shrunk.
His entire correspondence, private and public, bears one and the same burthen the violence, cruelty, and tyranny of Lord Camden's chief advisers, and the pitiful weakness of the Viceroy himself.
His entire correspondence, private and public, bears one and the same burthen the violence, cruelty, and tyranny of Lord Camden's chief advisers, and the pitiful weakness of the Viceroy himself.
Near Lamberhurst, on the Surrey border and on the margin of the Teise, is the Marquis of Camden's seat at Bayham Abbey. Its ruins include a church, a gateway, and some of the smaller buildings. It was once highly attractive, though small, and its ruined beauty is now enhanced by the care with which the ivy is trained over the walls and the greensward floor is smoothed.
and I told you of another fine line in Camden's Remains, an eulogy upon one of our Kings, who was succeeded by his son, a prince of equal merit: "Mira cano, Sol occubuit, nox nulla secuta est ." EDWARDS. 'You are a philosopher, Dr. Johnson. I have tried too in my time to be a philosopher; but, I don't know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in . Mr. Burke, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr.
In notes made by Lord Camden's nephew, George Hardinge, for a proposed Life of the Lord Chancellor there is this entry: "formed an acquaintance ... with Henry Fielding ... called to the Bar." Now in the possession of W. K. Bixby, Esq., of St Louis, U.S.A. In a manuscript copy of the Minutes, in the possession of the present writer. London Daily Post, June 18-26, 1741.
Fair Camden's plains his glorious dust inhume, Where annual Ceres shades her hero's tomb. Marion and the author very busy in destroying the rice-makers' boats on Santee first got the news of the defeat of our army, and death of the brave De Kalb Marion addresses his followers their gallant reply.
It is scarce credible how this city increased, both in public and private buildings, upon establishing this form of government. VIDE Camden's "Britannia," Middlesex. It is worthy of observation, that every year, upon St.
Moore to Gray's Inn to his chamber, and there he shewed me his old Camden's "Britannica", which I intend to buy of him, and so took it away with me, and left it at St.
I feel that a critic may consider too much that has been set down here is disconnected, yet if he will let a gramophone record an animated conversation, he will find that it ebbs and flows with the uncertain babbling of a brook and so it has been with me. Only the other day, in the preface to Camden's History of the British Islands, I came across the phrase:
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