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"Doña Constanza!..." Freya was the counterpart of that august Byzantian queen. Perhaps she was the very same, perpetuated across the centuries, through extraordinary incarnations. In that moment Ulysses would have believed anything possible.

A slight tap at the door made Aspasia start up suddenly; and stooping over the alabaster vase of water, she hastened to remove all traces of her tears. As Eudora opened the door, a Byzantian slave bowed low, and waited permission to speak. "Your message?" said Aspasia, with queenly brevity. "If it please you, lady, my master bids me say he desires your presence."

All the crew, from Ferragut down to the lowest seaman, used to look upon this city somewhat as their own when they saw, appearing in the background of the bay, its forests of masts and its conglomeration of gray edifices upon which sparkled the Byzantian domes of the new cathedral.

I looked upon my father as a Byzantian sage might have looked on a Vandal. "Cut it out!" "Stops the action, sir!" said my father, dogmatically. "Action! But a novel is not a drama." "No; it is a great deal longer, twenty times as long, I dare say," replied Mr. Caxton, with a sigh. "Well, sir, well!

When I have said that the Byzantian civilisation seemed still to be reigning, I meant a curious impression that, in these Eastern provinces, though the Empire had been more defeated it has been less disturbed. There is a greater clarity in that ancient air; and fewer clouds of real revolution and novelty have come between them and their ancient sun.

A regiment of infantry, with their music at their head, were marching to exercise in the outer grounds of the Seraglio; and we followed them, and had an opportunity of seeing their evolutions, and hearing their bands, upon a fine green plain under the Seraglio walls, where stands one solitary column, erected in memory of some triumph of some Byzantian emperor.

"We come directly," she replied; and with another low bow, the Byzantian closed the door. Before a mirror of polished steel, supported by ivory Graces, Aspasia paused to adjust the folds of her robe, and replace a curl that had strayed from its golden fillet.

"I hope, Pisistratus," said my father, "that you do not intend to be dull?" "Heaven forbid, sir! What could make you ask such a question? Intend! No! if I am dull it is from innocence." "A very long discourse upon knowledge!" said my father; "very long! I should cut it out." I looked upon my father as a Byzantian sage might have looked on a Vandal. "Cut it out!"