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There is something peculiar about this affair and I believe that the Tramp Club have had nothing to do with this latest puzzle." "That ith what I think," agreed Tommy. "It wathn't thothe boyth that thcared me tho." "Nothing has been stolen from the boat," declared Hazel, "so it looks as though our midnight prowler vanished when he heard Tommy's first scream."

I should not like to think that Markham had gone so far as to put "sleepy-stuff" in that bottle of milk; but I am afraid she was not very particular, and she may have thought it best to send Dickie to sleep so that he could not betray her or her gardener friend until he was very far away from both of them. "But why," asked the long-nosed gentleman "why put boyth in bathketth?

"Not!" added Larry Goheen skeptically, when he heard of George's confident answer. "Oh, dear, but I jutht do wonder what the boyth are going to do!" lisped Tommy, as the motor boat started once more on its travels. "There's nothing very uncertain, in their own minds," laughed Harriet. "Just see how fast they're going. They've decided upon something."

What pity thuch a pretty maid Ath I thoud go to hell!" And Benny giggled. "Benjamin," said Cecile, in an awful voice, "are you not terrified at what you read?" "Huh!" said Benny, "I'm not a 'pretty maid'; I'm a boy." "It's all the same, little dunce!" insisted Cecile. "Doeth God thay little boyth are born to be damned?" he asked, uneasily.

"We don't want dirty little boyth," murmured Cuthbert fastidiously. William could not, with justice, have objected to the epithet. He had spent the last half-hour climbing on to the rafters of the disused coach-house, and dust and cobwebs adorned his face and hair. "He's always like that," explained Joan, carelessly. By this time William had thought of a suitable rejoinder.