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Johnson went back, in a few days, to see John Hall's daughter; but the young lady declared she wouldn't marry any man who let two boys make him wade through a creek; and a month or two later she married Tim Mills. To all the gibes he heard on the subject of his capture, and they were many, Johnson made but one reply: "Them boys's had parents in a a sylum, sure!"

This raw-boned woman before him, although scarcely middle-aged, had for years occupied a self-imposed maternal and protecting relation, not only to her husband and brothers, but to the three or four men, who as partners, or hired hands, lived at the ranch. An inherited and trained sympathy with what she called her "boys's" and her "men folk," and their needs had partly unsexed her.

Boys's kiddin' him an' Boris tol' 'em he was't 'fraid no woman. Said he'd show 'em." "Does he live over there?" Gregory asked quickly, pointing toward the Lang hill. Blagg shook his head and nodded in the opposite direction. "Down there," he corrected. "Think he " But Gregory did not wait to hear what Blagg thought. Blagg looked after him stupidly.

Frederick, being enraged at the sight of Sir Rowland de Boys's son, which reminded him of the many friends the banished duke had among the nobility, and having been for some time displeased with his niece because the people praised her for her virtues and pitied her for her good father's sake, his malice suddenly broke out against her; and while Celia and Rosalind were talking of Orlando, Frederick entered the room and with looks full of anger ordered Rosalind instantly to leave the palace and follow her father into banishment, telling Celia, who in vain pleaded for her, that he had only suffered Rosalind to stay upon her account.