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And the English "season" whirls lightly and vaporously, like blown egg-froth, over the mystic land of the old gods, the terrible land filled with dark secrets as yet unexplored, the land "shadowing with wings," as the Bible hath it, the land in which are buried tremendous histories as yet unguessed, profound enigmas of the supernatural, labyrinths of wonder, terror and mystery, all of which remain unrevealed to the giddy-pated, dancing, dining, gabbling throng of the fashionable travelling lunatics of the day, the people who "never think because it is too much trouble," people whose one idea is to journey from hotel to hotel and compare notes with their acquaintances afterwards as to which house provided them with the best-cooked food.

* A capital little out-of-the-way restaurant, in the neighbourhood of , where you can get one of the best-cooked and cheapest little French dinners or suppers that I know of, with an excellent bottle of Beaune, for three-and-six; and which I am not going to be idiot enough to advertise.

The wife knows, by some mark or resemblance, the skull of her husband or her child which lies in this group, and there seldom passes a day that she does not visit it with a dish of the best-cooked food that her wigwam affords, which she sets before the skull at night, and returns for the dish in the morning.

Making those things?" "Those things!" said Felicia with a show of indignation. "I would have you know, sir, that 'those things' are the best-cooked, purest food products in this whole city." "I don't doubt it," he replied hastily, while his eyes twinkled, "Still, 'the proof of the pudding' you know the rest." "Come in and try some!" she exclaimed. "You poor Bishop!

The room of the fourpence-halfpenny banquet had, like the lower room, a counter in it, on which were ranged a great number of cold portions ready for distribution. Behind this counter, the fragrant soup was steaming in deep cans, and the best-cooked of potatoes were fished out of similar receptacles. Nothing to eat was touched with his hand. Every waitress had her own tables to attend to.