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Little kettles with bowed or carved handles. Copper pans with ears. Great brass pots. Dripping-pans. An iron peel or baking shovel. A brazen mortar and a pestle. Gridirons. Iron ladles. A laten scummer. A grater. A pepper mill. A mustard-quern. Boards. A salt-box. An iron range. Iron racks. A tin pot. Pot hooks. A galley bawk to suspend the kettle or pot over the fire.

The ither twa's gey queer that wey; they get a'thing preserved in tins, frae aboot London they tell me." Mester Blair didna appear to understand Sandy, an' he speered, "Do you get cash again' Billy Lowden; or hoo d'ye get peyment?" "If the bawbees is no' at the back o' the cairt, up goes the bawk, an' Donal' ca's awa," says Sandy. "Na, na, neen o' your Billy Lowden tick for me.

"I travel a' ower the toon," said Sandy, "frae Tootles Nook to Culloden, an' frae the Skemels to Cairnie Toll. It disna maitter a doakan to me wha I sell till. Seven pund to the half-steen, an' cash doon thae's my principles; the same price, and the game turn o' the bawk, to gentle and simple.

"It ban't the wave as makes most splash what gaws highest up the beach, mind. You get Joan to teach 'e how to peel 'taties, 'cause 'tis a job you made a tidy bawk of, not to mention no other. Keep your weather-eye liftin' an' your tongue still. Then you'll do. An' mind the bwoat's clean as a smelt by five o'clock to-morrow marnin', an' no later."