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Father she had always called him, but for some months past, since he had been idle, or out of work as he called it, he had become more and more harsh towards her, not often addressing her without calling her "barstard," usually with the addition of one of his pet expletives, profane or sanguineous.

He was coming home from a long parish round, and had turned into the Square, when a low voice behind him said: "Wot price the little barstard?" A cold, sick feeling stifled his very breathing; he gasped, and spun round, to see two big loutish boys walking fast away.

"You're a bloomin' little barstard," said Jakin, strong in the knowledge that his own ancestry was unknown. Now there is one word in the extended vocabulary of barrack-room abuse that cannot pass without comment. You may call a man a thief and risk nothing.

"You're a bloomin' little barstard," said Jakin, strong in the knowledge that his own ancestry was unknown. Now there is one word in the extended vocabulary of barrack-room abuse that cannot pass without comment. You may call a man a thief and risk nothing.

But as she refused to answer, he turned to the girl and repeated in a threatening tone, "How much?" She sat trembling, her eyes cast down, but silent. "I'll learn you to answer when you're spoken to, you damn barstard!" he said, approaching her with raised hand. "Don't you hit her, you brute!" exclaimed his wife, springing in sudden anger to her feet.