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He was accompanied by two old vessels, the Guarani and the Real, to be used as fireships. Two other ships of war, the Nitherohy, assigned to Captain Taylor, and the Carolina, were left behind to complete their equipment, and the first of these joined the squadron on its way to Bahia, which, being the nearest of the disaffected provinces, was the first to be subdued.

Understanding that you are about to embark the military forces under your command, with a view to proceed to some of the Northern provinces, humanity compels me to declare to you my duty, however painful, to take all measures within my power to dismantle whatever transports may attempt to sail from Bahia under convoy of the ships of war.

Already an immense service had been performed, for the evacuation of Bahia practically handed over the whole of the province of that name to Brazil. The admiral had not been joined by the two ships left in port, but the Maria da Gloria had returned, and the Carolina and Nitherohy, which had been left at Rio to complete their outfit, came up three hours after the Portuguese sailed.

They started down the broad incline which, in long, descending zigzags, cut the cliff that divided lower town from upper. The closely laid cobblestones were slippery with age. "It took a thousand slaves a century to pave these streets," said Leighton. "Do you know anything about this town, Bahia?" "It was once the capital of the empire," said Lewis. "Yes," said Leighton.

In the original, Omnium Sanctorum Abbatium, but which must assuredly be Bahia dos todos los Santos, in lat 13° S. on the coast of Brazil. The distance between the island of St Matthew, and the Bay of All Saints, is not less than 600 leagues, or thirty degrees; yet that distance might certainly be run in seventeen days with a fair wind.

They are much annoyed by the unfounded report, and hold strongly to the opinion that the revolution would now have been a fait accompli had not a traitor revealed the destination of the Andros-y-Mela and thus led to that vessel's detention at Bahia." The lady! Iris Yorke! At last David's supercharged mind was beginning to assimilate ideas.

In the meantime we are as effectually blockading Bahia, as if the enemy did not dare to remove from his anchorage for both this ship and the Maria de Gloria outsail them all. We have captured three Portuguese vessels, and from the letters found therein, many more are expected from Maranham and other ports to leeward, as well as from San Mattheos.

The Southern provinces gave in their adhesion to the Emperor, but all the Northern provinces including Bahia, Maranham, and Par

Bahia Blanca Geology Numerous gigantic Quadrupeds Recent Extinction Longevity of species Large Animals do not require a luxuriant vegetation Southern Africa Siberian Fossils Two Species of Ostrich Habits of Oven-bird Armadilloes Venomous Snake, Toad, Lizard Hybernation of Animal Habits of Sea-Pen Indian Wars and Massacres Arrow-head, antiquarian Relic.

In 1507 there was published a little book called an Introduction to Cosmography, which gave an account of the four voyages of Amerigo. In the story of the fourth voyage it is narrated that twenty-four men were left in a fort near Cape Bahia.