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Lovaina was full of the horror of it, but with a just appreciation of the crime as a happening worth telling. The chefferie was filled with aues. "Aue!" cried Haamoura, the chief's wife. "Aue!" said the chief, and Rupert Brooke, with whom I had been swimming.

Ibi videntur leones albi in mira magnitudine boum nostrorum, et multae diuersae bestiae, et aues, bestiolae, et auiculae aliarum specierum quam in partibus istis. Nam ibi et in nonnullis alijs insulis vidi vnum mirum, de quo prius vix credidissem narranti, videlicet anates cum duobus capitibus.

Carefully and in a wide circle the vaa crept around to head back toward our port, and it was after sunset before we were in Teta's house in Puforatoai. The villagers met us with torches and incredulous aues and we walked up the road singing the song of the "Ai Dobbebelly Dobbebelly," which was known wherever a fisher for market dwelt in all Tahiti.

Frequenter praeliantur contra aues grandes patriae, exercitibus congregatis hinc inde, et fit strages vtrimque. Haec gens tam parua optime operatur sericum et bombycem. Isti Pygmei venerunt mihi obuiam chorizando.

Crime among Tahitians being almost unknown, the chief's duties as magistrate were negligible, and the family uttered many aues when I related to them the conditions of our countries, with murders, assaults, burglaries and rapine as daily news. The French law required a civil ritual for marriage, and Tetuanui tied the legal knots in his district. I was at the çhefferie when a union was performed.

Nota: a Cambalu ad viginti dietas, est pulchrum nemus girans octo dietas in circuitu, in quo sunt omnia genera animalium: custodes habet circa eum. Triennio vel quadriennio visitat illud Imperator, et cum multa gente nemus circumdat, canes emittuntur et aues, cum multo clamore, et feras congregant in medio nemoris, ad planiciem sibi sitam.