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If a grand duchess were brought here that is," he corrected himself, smiling courteously, "if a grand duchess should call to see me, I should be glad to place my entire staff at your service to find the Ruth Atheson you speak of. Perhaps your Reverence understands?" "Thoroughly," said Father Murray. "I could not fail to understand.

I see that you really know nothing, and it's up to me to enlighten you. As I said, Ruth Atheson is not Ruth Atheson. She's the daughter of a grand duke.

"Either there is no Duchess, or no Ruth Atheson." "True; but I cannot question the Padre's word. That, at least, I know is good. Then, look at his distress." "Sure, I know that. I have been looking. And I've been thinking till my brain whirls. The Padre wouldn't lie, and there's no reason why he should. But if the lady is Ruth Atheson, she is not the Duchess?" "N-no."

"We must make our attempt to get Miss Atheson without the Padre's knowing anything about it. I have been thinking about the thing, and I have a plan I believe will work. It's out of the question to get that guard off the watch in any ordinary way. If we attempt it, the house will be alarmed and we shall be taken for burglars." "What difference if we are?" said Mark, very warmly.

Could you not give me some inkling as to what you desire?" "Since I cannot see him without giving you the information, you might say to His Excellency that I have come to speak to him in reference to Miss Ruth Atheson " Father Murray paused, then added coolly: "He will understand." The secretary bowed courteously. "I will deliver your message at once," he said.