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It's no less than natural he should keep dark: so would you and me in the same box." "I daresay," said I. "But you saw more of the others?" "To be sure," says he: "no 'arm in them from what I see. There was one 'Ardy there: colonial born he was, and had been through a power of money. There was no nonsense about 'Ardy; he had been up, and he had come down, and took it so.

"The Old Man's offered me Dudley's job, but I don't want a staff job. I want to go back to Davidsburg. Who cares to be stuck around the Post?" "Me for one!" retorted the old soldier grinning, "Jes' now, anyway. Listen, son! Th' Old Man 'e sez to me: ''Ardy! 'e sez, 'you've bin 'it pretty bad and I find you deserve a softer class of dewty than goin' back t' prisoner's escort.

His 'eart was in the right place; and he was well-informed, and knew French; and Latin, I believe, like a native! I liked that 'Ardy: he was a good-looking boy too." "Did they say much about the wreck?" I asked. "There wasn't much to say, I reckon," replied the man-o'-war's man. "It was all in the papers.

Near her sat an oldish woman with an almost toothless mouth, who was chattering to her in a tone that Letty knew to be three parts hypocritical. "Well, the treuth is the men is that fool 'ardy when they gets a thing into their yeds, there's no taakin wi un.