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Have we investigated the patient's case sufficiently? Are we acquainted with all the events of his life? "The vital principle, gentlemen," he continued, "the Archeus of Van Helmont, is affected in his case the very essence and centre of life is attacked.

But by whose mind, or rather within whose mind, was this ideal pattern this essential archetype fashioned? Whence this ideal type, this natural group, this Archeus pervading all nature and fashioning all organic matter?

He believed the whole body to be controlled by an archaeus influus, the soul by the archaei insiti, and these in turn controlled by the central archeus. His system is too elaborate and complicated for full explanation, but its chief service to medicine was in introducing new chemical methods in the preparation of drugs.

It is the doctrine, the archeus, the Open Sesame, the thyme- and lavender- and sweetwilliam-breathed Secret Garden of this old wizardly Science of Song; who would go in there, and have the dark and bright blossoms for his companions, let him understand this.

Physiological researches have led sincere investigators to the inevitable conclusion that there is subtle, refined, dynamic substance, a reality that binds up the reorganization, causes growth, vitality and motion; repairs injuries; makes up losses; overcomes and cures diseases. Von Helment called it "Archeus"; Stahl called it "Anima;" Whytt called it the "sentiment principle;" Dr.

And yet it was not the habitat but the habitant that attracted the admiration of the Greek mind; enkindled its highest enthusiasm; drew all the schools of philosophy, about him at once. It was the lordly occupant of the temple, the indwelling Archeus, presiding over all the organic phenomena and directing all the dynamic powers therein, which was so profoundly present in the living Plato.

The true evidence of the Bible is the Bible, of Christianity the living fact of Christianity itself, as the manifest 'archeus' or predominant of the life of the planet. Ib. p. 4. They talk much of the union of the will and understanding, but all is mere fantasy and fondness. This is the only practice in divinity.

This last is what Pythagoras at Croton had in mind to do: had Croton endured, there would have been a stable moral basis for the intellectual spendors. I believe that you have here the very archeus and central clue to history.

Disease of any part represents a strike on the part of the local Archeus, who refuses to work. Though full of fanciful ideas, Van Helmont had the experimental spirit and was the first chemist to discover the diversity of gases. Like his teacher, he was in revolt against the faculty, and he has bitter things to say of physicians.

For an account of Fludd and the English Rosicrucians see Craven's Life of Fludd, Kirkwall, 1902. A school of a more rational kind followed directly upon the work of Paracelsus, in which the first man of any importance was Van Helmont. The Paracelsian Archeus was the presiding spirit in living creatures, and worked through special local ferments, by which the functions of the organs are controlled.