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Live and larn they say, and it's thrue, too." "But, mother, you ain't wishing poor Anty wasn't here?" "Indeed, but I do; everything to give and nothin to get that's not the way I have managed to live. But it's not that altogether, neither.

Anty's apology for being at the inn, was perhaps unnecessary; but, with the feeling so natural to a woman, she was half afraid that Martin would fancy she had run after him, and she therefore thought it as well to tell him that it was only a temporary measure. Poor Anty! At the moment she said so, she trembled at the very idea of putting herself again in her brother's power.

"Well; didn't he try to do as bad before?" "It wouldn't do, I tell you," continued Martin, "not to let him see her; that is, av Anty wishes it." It ended in the widow being sent into Anty's room, to ask her whether she had any message to send to her brother.

He then made a tumbler of punch, filling the glass half full of spirits, and drinking it so hot as to scald his throat; and when that was done he again rang the bell, and desired the servant to tell Miss Anty that he wanted to speak to her.

I'm not begrudging Anty anything for herself; but that I'd be dhriven to let that blagguard of a brother of hers into the house, and that as a frind like, is what I didn't think I'd ever have put upon me!" Barry made his appearance about an hour after the time at which they had begun to expect him; and as soon as Meg saw him, one of them flew upstairs, to tell Anty and give her her tonic.

He would have been rather surprised to hear, at that moment, that his mother had been before him, and carried off his bride elect to the inn! Anty was soon domesticated. The widow, very properly, wouldn't let her friends, Meg and Jane, ask her any questions at present.

But what excited Anty Hill more than anything else was that the King and Queen, for the Ant State was a monarchy, had sent a special messenger to say that they would honor them with their royal presence on this occasion.

Anty, when she was Godmother to any of the little ones her full name was given as Anty Hill well, to go on, Anty was in a great hurry. She often preached against hurry, but she found that there was really so much worth while doing in life and that life was so short, she had to hurry once in a while to get it all done. This particular morning there was more than ever to do.

As she said to herself, "a Kelly wouldn't demane herself to ask a brass penny from a Lynch." She didn't even speak to her daughters about it, though the continual twitter she was in made them aware that there was some unusual burthen on her mind. It was not only to the Kellys that the idea occurred that Anty in her illness might make a will.

"Oh, no," said Anty, at last, shuddering in horror at the remembrance of the last night she passed in Dunmore House, "I cannot go back to live with him, but I'll do anything else, av' he'll only lave me, and my kind, kind friends, in pace and quiet." "Indeed, and you won't, Anty," said the widow; "you'll do nothing for him.