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We observe here the rare rhythm, analogous to the iambic scazon, of a trochaic tetrameter with a long penultimate syllable. From the Anthropopolis. "Non fit thesauris non auro pectu' solutum; Non demunt animis curas et religiones Persarum montes, non atria diviti' Crassi." The style here reminds us strongly of Horace. From the Bimarcus.

Ambo animis, ambo insignes praestantibus armis: Hic pietate prior." I give not here my translation of these verses, though I think I have not ill succeeded in them, because your lordship is so great a master of the original that I have no reason to desire you should see Virgil and me so near together.

Ne pueri ne tanta animis adsuescite bella, Neu patriae validos in viscera vertite viris; Tuque prior, tu parce, genus qui ducis Olympo, Projice tela manu, sanguis meus! We come finally to the two Eclogues addressed to Asinius Pollio. This remarkable man was only six years older than Vergil, but he was just old enough to become a member of Caesar's staff, an experience that matured men quickly.

Yes, and although they refused me a sizarship in Trinity College for what will not fear and envy do? "'Tantaene animis celesiibus irae' Yet I have the consolation to know that my name is seldom mentioned among the literati of classical Kerry nudis cruribus as they are except as the Great O'Finigan! In the mane time " "Bravo, Masther!" exclaimed Keenan, interrupting him.