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"Well," I thought, "if I'm in for an adventure I may as well be spry about it. Andrew'll be home by half-past twelve and if I'm going to give him the slip I'd better get a start. I suppose he'll think I'm crazy! He'll follow me, I guess. Well, he just shan't catch me, that's all!"

"I'm likely to be taken," he said in a weak voice. "Andrew'll have told you." He paused: and one little stifled sob was heard, too gentle to catch his ear. It came from Jean. "I'd just like to say a word to you all before I go. I've tried my best to do my duty by my children and my sister and my kinsfolk." At this specific inclusion of herself the sympathetic widow could keep silence no longer.

"I'm going to slip by the drawing-room and hurry down to that meeting of the Civic Improvement Association from which I hope to get at least a half column. Andrew'll go in and see to them." "Never!" answered Andrew promptly with a smile. "I'm going to beat a retreat and walk down with you. The major must assume that responsibility. Good-by!"

The master of ceremonies by a grave glance indicated to the company that another approving murmur would be appropriate, and his own voice led the hum. "I've another thing to be thankful for," resumed the invalid, "and that's my eldest son. Andrew'll take good care of you all of you and the business both. Oh, Frank, my lad, he's a fine example to you; just as your sister Maggie is to you, Jean.