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Updated: July 31, 2024
The all-sweeping besom of societarian reformation your only modern Alcides' club to rid the time of its abuses is uplift with many-handed sway to extirpate the last fluttering tatters of the bugbear MENDICITY from the metropolis. Scrips, wallets, bags staves, dogs, and crutches the whole mendicant fraternity with all their baggage are fast posting out of the purlieus of this eleventh persecution.
Sakechak and his family shall alone, of all the inhabitants of the earth, be saved, and the creatures he assembles around him on the little hill Wecheganawaw be alone those exempted from the all-sweeping destruction."
"I want to know what love really is, first." "Oh! but, dear, I can teach you all you want to know," replied the man, in the customary all-sweeping manner of the male. "But I want to know all about the different kinds." "There are no different kinds, Damaris. There is only one sort." "Then explain this to me."
That treasure of his shall neither wind nor wintry rain-storm coming from strange lands, as a fierce host born of the thunderous cloud, carry into the hiding places of the sea, to be beaten by the all-sweeping drift: But in clear light its front shall give tidings of a victory won in Krisa's dells, glorious in the speech of men to thy father Thrasyboulos, and to all his kin with him.
"He had his faults," said the Reverend Bland Sudds yesterday in a funeral discourse upon the Honorable Richard Turpin "he had his faults, yes, for he was human." But if a man may falter, shall we not forgive to a trombone even a half-note? If Turpin may be respectfully lamented with indulgent hope, shall a hesitating horn be doomed to "the all-sweeping besom of societarian reformation?"
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