United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was afraid he would have struck her before my face, he seemed in such a fury; but, fortunately, another customer came in, and obliged him to put his hands to peaceable and proper use. "Quite a bundle of all-sorts on the opposite counter there," I said to the woman, as I paid her for the candles.

Red Lake River Grand Forks The Ferry Custom-house Officers at Pembina Mud and Misery Winnipeg at last A Walk through the Town A Hospitable Welcome Macadam wanted Holy Trinity Church A Picturesque Population Indians shopping An "All-sorts" Store St. Boniface and its Bells An Evening Scene. Red Lake River flows into Red River at Grand Forks, some twelve or thirteen miles below Fisher's Landing.

"She's given us the slip, Doctor," said Inspector Weymouth, as a fire-engine came swinging round the corner of the narrow lane. "So has Mr. Singapore Charlie and, I'm afraid, somebody else. We've got six or eight all-sorts, some awake and some asleep, but I suppose we shall have to let 'em go again. Mr. Smith tells me that the girl was disguised as a Chinaman.

He took a bite of bread and a sup of cider, blew out the candle, let himself forth into the street after a glance to make sure that all was clear, and headed for the "Fish and Anchor." He found the bar-room crowded, but not with the usual Regatta Night throng of all-sorts.

Certainly Susan Locke was neither young nor handsome, but she was a neat-looking body, only she has aged of late. Do you want to know all about it? Well, she was engaged to a man named Duncan: he was a widower with three or four children; he had the all-sorts shop down the village, only he moved last year.

Well, what a relief to me it would be if dear mother was always at hand, that you might have a stew when you liked. What a load it would be off my mind. "Again, for pickles! Not at all like anybody else's pickles. Her red cabbage why, it's as crisp as biscuit! And then her walnuts and her all-sorts! Eh, Caudle? You know how you love pickles; and how we sometimes tiff about 'em?