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Updated: August 13, 2024

You should always be heedful, for the Vedas are such that they are always liable to be misunderstood! Permitted by their preceptor of truthful speech, the disciples left him after circumambulating him and bowing their heads unto him. Descending upon the Earth they performed the Agnishtoma and other sacrifices; and they began to officiate at the sacrifices of Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas.

The pilgrim by proceeding next to Gobhavana and bathing there obtaineth the merit of the gift of a thousand kine. O son of the Kuru race, a pilgrim by repairing then to the tirtha called Shankhini and bathing in the Devi-tirtha that is there, obtaineth high prowess. O king, bathing there one obtaineth the fruit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice.

O best of the Bharatas, there is a tirtha called Sreekunja in the Saraswati. Bathing there, O best of men, one obtaineth the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. O son of the Kuru race, one should next repair to Naimishakunja. O king, the Rishis engaged in ascetic austerities in the woods of Naimisha had, in days of old, taking the vow of pilgrimage, gone to Kurukshetra.

That great son of Swaha the great Adbhuta fire is the soul of the waters and the prince and regent of the sky and the lord of everything great. His first Kratu is known as Niyata at the performance of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. I am disabled from want of strength.

The man that offereth there the syamaka grain in honour of the gods and the Pitris acquireth great religious merit. And if one Brahmana is fed there, it becomes equivalent to feeding ten millions of Brahmanas. Having bathed in that tirtha and worshipped the gods and the Pitris and resided there for one night, a man obtaineth the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice.

The man that with subdued and sanctified soul batheth in that tirtha, obtaineth merit greater than that of the Agnishtoma or Atiratra sacrifices. Proceeding next to the spot where the Saraswati mingleth with the sea, one obtaineth the fruit of the gift of a thousand kine and heaven also besides, O bull of the Bharata race, blazing forth for all time like Agni himself.

Bathing next in the tirtha called Panikhata and worshipping all the gods, a man obtaineth merit that is superior to that of both the Agnishtoma and the Atiratra sacrifices, besides acquiring that of the Rajasuya sacrifice and finally going into the region of the Rishis. One should next proceed, O virtuous one, to that excellent tirtha called Misraka.

He who passes three years, confining himself every day to one meal and abstaining all the while from congress with any other woman save his own wedded wife, attains to the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. Such a man is regarded as having performed a Sacrifice, with plenty of gifts in gold, that is dear to Vasava himself.

He that goeth there never sinketh into hell but ascendeth to the abode of Brahma. He that goeth to the lake of Agastya and occupieth himself with the worship of the Pitris and celestials, fasting for three nights, acquireth, O king, the fruit of the Agnishtoma. Going thither, he that liveth on vegetables or fruits acquireth the status called Kaumara.

One should next proceed with subdued senses and regulated diet to Vinasana, where Saraswati disappearing on the breast of Meru, re-appeareth at Chamasa, Shivodbheda and Nagadbheda. Bathing in Chamasadbheda, one obtaineth the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. Bathing in Shivodbheda, one acquireth the merit of the gift of a thousand kine.

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