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That is true in the small conflicts and antagonisms of the lives of each of us, and it is true in regard to the agelong battle against ignorance and sin. Christian's sword was named 'All-prayer.

Cæsar, Brutus, Cicero, the story of the old oppression from which the world had freed itself after agelong tribulation, and then a picture of the new tyranny that was sweeping down from across the Rhine.

You have no cities nor no wealth: our cities are hives of humanity and our galleys, trireme and quadrireme, laden with all manner merchandise furrow the waters of the known globe. You have but emerged from primitive conditions: we have a literature, a priesthood, an agelong history and a polity. Nile. Child, man, effigy.

Jurgis, who knew nothing about the agelong and everlasting hypocrisy of woman, would take the bait and grin with delight; and then he would hold his finger in front of little Antanas' eyes, and move it this way and that, and laugh with glee to see the baby follow it.

'There's long way to go, after the point of intrinsic death, before we disappear, said Birkin. 'There is, said Gerald. 'But what sort of way? He seemed to press the other man for knowledge which he himself knew far better than Birkin did. 'Right down the slopes of degeneration mystic, universal degeneration. There are many stages of pure degradation to go through: agelong.

But those who will not or cannot march, pushed onward by blind forces, a bleating flock, move towards the goal: Unity. The unity of our own France was forged by agelong struggles between the separate provinces. At one time every province, even every village, was a fatherland.

We shall visit those hills, for in them are buried some of the mightiest kings of Egypt, and the wild fastnesses form a truly royal burial-place, grander than any ordinary mausoleum or cemetery could ever be. On both sides of the river at one time stood the royal city of Thebes, one of the best known of all the capitals of Egypt which sprang up from time to time in its agelong history.

And it is hard to say which is the more moving manifestation of that moment in the great drama of the war the spontaneous response of the poor who sprang forward to defend their country, though they had no more material property in it than the right to as much of its soil as would make their graves, or the splendid reply of the rich whose lands were an agelong possession, and often the foundation of their titles and honours.

With the first drink he could eat a meal, and he could persuade himself that that was economy; with the second he could eat another meal but there would come a time when he could eat no more, and then to pay for a drink was an unthinkable extravagance, a defiance of the agelong instincts of his hunger-haunted class.

The ludicrous result marks the impropriety of bestowing the agelong duration of marble upon small, characteristic individualities, such as might come within the province of waxen imagery.