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The entire cash receipts of the General Land Office for the same period were $1,632,745, being greater by $284,883 than the amount realized from the same sources during the previous year.

The national governmental system was materially affected by the need, throughout many centuries, of systematic methods of defense against the Ainu. The rise of the Shogunate dates back to 883 A.D., when the chief of the forces opposing the Ainu was appointed by the Emperor and bore the official title, "The Barbarian-expelling Generalissimo."

For the current fiscal year the total revenues, actual and estimated are $385,000,000, and the ordinary expenditures, actual and estimated, are $293,000,000, making with the sinking fund a total expenditure of $341,321,116.99, leaving an estimated surplus of $43,678,883.01.

Queen Anne, 2 1,439 George I., 16 17,660 George II., 226 318,784 George III., 3446 3,500,000 George IV., 192 250,000 William IV., 72 120,000 Total, 3954 4,207,883 These lands belonged to the people, and might have been applied to relieve the poor.

Present and absent...................171,450 Present for duty..................... 88,883 The Army of the Tennessee Present and absent....................134,763 Present for duty...................... 64,957 The Army of the Ohio Present and absent ................... 46,052 Present for duty ..................... 26,242

Judged by the test of language, three-fifths of those who are of foreign birth disappear from the roll of foreigners, 3,119,705 out of 5,567,229 having come from the British Isles and British America. Germany, including Bohemia, Holland and Switzerland, sums up 1,883,285; Scandinavia, 241,685; and France and Belgium, 128,955.

The goods exported from Tangier during the same year was: For British ports, £63,580 10s., for foreign ports, £13,683. The following is a statement of the number of British and foreign ships that entered and cleared from this port during the same year. Entered: British ships 203, the united tonnage of which was 10,883; foreign ships 110, the total tonnage of which was 4,780.

Powers were granted by Parliament in the year 1845 to construct no less than 2,883 miles of new railway at an expenditure of about 44,000,000 pounds; and in the next year applications were made to Parliament for authority to raise 389,000,000 pounds for the construction of further lines. These powers were granted to the extent of 4,790 miles at a cost of about 120,000,000 pounds.

Present and absent...................171,450 Present for duty..................... 88,883 The Army of the Tennessee Present and absent....................134,763 Present for duty...................... 64,957 The Army of the Ohio Present and absent ................... 46,052 Present for duty ..................... 26,242

The members of the Corporation fixed the rents, and, strange to say, the tenants at the first opportunity appealed to the Land Commissioners. Six of them holding four hundred and twenty-seven acres of land, were paying £883 16s. 4d. The rent was therefore over £2 an acre, which is perhaps double the average. The Government valuation was £625 10s.