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Various minor matters detained him in France for nearly a year, the most important of which was an expedition into Berri to force the surrender to him of the heiress of Deols under the feudal right of wardship. July 15, 1178, Henry landed again in England for another long stay of nearly two years.

"The Toltecs appeared first in the year 648, the Chicimecs in 1170, the Nahualtecs 1178, the Atolhues and Aztecs in 1196. The Toltecs introduced the cultivation of maize and cotton; they built cities, made roads, and constructed those great pyramids which are yet admired, and of which the faces are very accurately laid out.

During the next two years Henry was in perpetual movement through the land from Devon to Lincoln, and between March 1176 and August 1177 he summoned eighteen great councils, besides many others of less consequence. From 1178 to 1180 he paid his last long visit to England, and again with the old laborious zeal he began his round of journeys through the country.

He gives an extraordinary account of the rage and grief of the people at the sight of the burning cathedral. The work of rebuilding was immediately set on foot. In September, 1174, one William of Sens, undertook the task, and wrought thereat until 1178, when he was disabled by an unfortunate fall from a scaffolding, and had to give up his charge and return to France.

Nor are these exceptional cases; thousands, yea, tens of thousands suffered in like manner. The house is located in one of Scotland's solitudes. Here the Howies have lived for 28 successive generations, keeping the altar fire burning since 1178. The present house is modern, bearing the date 1858; John Howie, the present occupant, , is the 28th lineal descendant of one of the first settlers.

Ku Hsi, whose own standard work on the Shih appeared in A.D. 1178, declined to express himself positively on the expurgation of the odes, but summed up his view of what Confucius did for them in the following words: 'Royal methods had ceased, and poems were no more collected. Those which were extant were full of errors, and wanting in arrangement.

Some people try to put Newstead in Selwood in the list, but this was founded in 1174; and Le Liget has been mentioned, a Charterhouse in Touraine founded in 1178. The most probable explanation is this. He replaced these by Canons Regular under Walter de Cant. He then endowed them handsomely and had papal authority for this. A scandal had arisen in Amesbury.

All sin is washed away in the spring of tears. Bernard de Trevies made this, A.D. 1178. Now Bernard of the Three-Ways is a man who did something else he was a novelist and a poet.

Isleif, first Bishop of Skalholt, was the earliest Icelandic historian; after him came the noted Snorri Sturluson, born in 1178, who became the richest and mightiest man in Iceland. Snorri Sturluson was frequently followed to the General Assembly of Iceland by a splendid retinue of 800 armed men.

Like a buoy in the storm it floated and swung, And over the waves its warning rung." And where the pirate, out of pure malice, "To vex the abbott of Aberbrothok," cut the bell from its buoy only to be lost himself on the reef a year later. The abbey was founded by William the Lion in 1178, but war, fire and fanaticism have left it sadly fragmentary.