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Who cooks fur you-oo-a? Ef you'll cook for my folks, Den I'll cook fur y' all-l-lll? "Well, hit wuz 'long er dat very chune wat he los' his eyes, an' can't see no mo' in de daytime; an' ev'n I wuz him, I'd let folks' cookin' erlone." "Can't you tell us about it, Daddy?" asked Dumps.

Well, de Owl knowed dat, an' so wen he seed de Peafowl walkin' by so big, an' him in de kitchen er cookin', it kinter hu't his feelin's, so he tuck'n holler'd at de Peafowl, "'Whooo cooks fur you-oo-a? Whooo cooks fur you-oo-a? I cooks fur my folks, But who cooks fur y' all-ll-l?

As they were driving through the grove before reaching the house it was quite dark, and they heard an owl hooting in one of the trees. "I see yer keep on sayin' yer sass," said Daddy Jake, addressing the owl. "Ef'n I'd er done happen ter all you is 'bout'n hit, I'd let hit erlone myse'f." "What's he sayin'?" asked Diddie. "Wy, don't yer hyear him, honey, er sayin', 'Who cooks fur you-oo-a?

"Now he jes done dat out'n pyo' sass'ness, caze he knowed de Peafowl felt hisse'f 'bove cookin'; an' wen de Peafowl hyeard dat, he 'gun ter git mad; an' he 'lowed dat ef'n de Owl said dat ter him ergin dey'd be er fuss on his han's. Well, de nex' day de Owl seed him comin, an' he 'gun fer ter scrape out'n his pots an' skillets, an' ez he scrape 'em he holler'd out, "'Whoo cooks fur you-oo-a?

Whoo cooks fur you-oo-a? Ef you'll cook fur my folks, Den I'll cook fur y' all-l-lll. "An' wid dat de Peafowl tuck'n bounct him; an' dar dey had it, er scrougin' an' peckin an er clawin' uv one nudder; an' somehow, in de skrummidge, de Owl's eyes dey got skwushed on ter de Peafowl's tail, an' fur er long time he couldn't see nuffin' 'tall; but de rattlesnake doctored on him."