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Happy to be here once more, Sara leaned back against the rock, which felt warm, kindly, and familiar; then, removing her sun-bonnet, fanned her flushed face, and looked dreamily away to the pale opaline horizon, against which some sails showed inkily, like silhouettes.

After the setting of the moon the night had become a void of blackness, but it was a void in which shadows crowded, all dark but some more inkily solid than others and of these shadows some were forests, some precipices, and some chasms lying trap-like between. Dorothy Harper and the mule she rode were moving somewhere through this world of sooty obscurity.

His English box coat doesn't fit him any better than any other box would. His French waistcoats develop an unexpected garishness on being displayed away from their native habitat and the writing outfit which he picked up in Vienna turns out to be faulty and treacherous and inkily tearful. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a fountain pen that weeps!

Even forbidden pleasure palls in time, if no one comes to remonstrate, and Elsmere was beginning to consider going home, when three boys, strolling that way, pressed their noses against the window-pane. Then they wandered in. "What's the kid doin' in the liberrian's chair?" asked one. Elsmere maintained a dignified silence, stamping the date rapidly and inkily on a pile of fresh catalog cards.

Beyond it, in the enemy's country, the veldt too was silvered over with moonlight and was blotted inkily with shadow from the kopjes. Three miles to the right, over a rise and down in a dip, they said there lay the Rouxville commando of 350 men.

Where there were application-blanks to be filled in she would pore inkily over them and, after a while, slyly crunch hers up in her hand and steal out.

Two doors from the building that had been entered he crept noiselessly down into a basement and squatted behind an ash barrel. It was inky black in there; so inkily black he never suspected that the recess held another tenant.

'Land! cried Davis, springing to his feet. 'What's this? There ain't no land here. And as men may run from the chamber of a murdered corpse, the three ran forth out of the house and left their quarrel behind them, undecided. The sky shaded down at the sea level to the white of opals; the sea itself, insolently, inkily blue, drew all about them the uncompromising wheel of the horizon.

"Land!" cried Davis, springing to his feet. "What's this? There ain't no land here." And as men may run from the chamber of a murdered corpse, the three ran forth out of the house and left their quarrel behind them undecided. The sky shaded down at the sea-level to the white of opals; the sea itself, insolently, inkily blue, drew all about them the uncompromising wheel of the horizon.