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The Parish Councils have become the guardians of public paths; they have begun to provide parish libraries, and the little parish senate educates its constituency and brings its wisdom to bear upon a number of practical questions, such as cottage gardens and fairs. The most striking characteristic of the Wales of to-day is its unity- -self-conscious and self-reliant.

"That's right, boys," said the wounded man, "don't ye bother any 'bout me, but look after yer own 'fairs first. I'll get on all right, with Sandy hyar to stand by and keer for me." They were very careful as they put the stretcher down, for only too well did they know how the wretched occupant suffered from any jolt.

"You will go out of this place at once," ordered Madame, in an even voice; "and as a punishment for disobeying my orders, I shall not give you a single penny all this week. I know very well what you want money for. I know what you do with money when I give it to you." "Impossible to discuss these matt'rs with you," he said, with an effort at haughtiness. "Purely private 'fairs."

Richard Beerley to Cromwell: Suppression of the Monasteries, p. 132. These rules must be remembered. The impossibility of enforcing obedience to them was the cause of the ultimate resolution to break up the system. At one time fairs and markets were held in churchyards. Stat. Wynton., 13 Ed. I. cap. 6.

Then came a double row of prize peach trees; rare fruit that mother canned to take to county fairs. One bore big, white freestones, and around the seed they were pink as a rose. One was a white cling, and one was yellow. There was a yellow freestone as big as a young sun, and as golden, and the queerest of all was a cling purple as a beet.

The number of his flocks and of his herds increased greatly, and he was in the habit of attending the fairs upon the Borders, to dispose of them. It was Whitsome fair; and he sent there many of his cattle and his sheep for sale. He also attended it, and he took with him his son, who was then a boy of from three to four years of age. It was drawing towards evening, and Mr.

College students, it will be readily conceded, are a selected group; and yet even in such a group not a physically perfect young man was found in tests extending over seventeen years. If a like condition should be discovered in the scoring of live stock at our fairs, there would ensue a careful investigation of causes in the hope of finding a remedy.

No gossip about Mr. Casaubon's will had yet reached Ladislaw: the air seemed to be filled with the dissolution of Parliament and the coming election, as the old wakes and fairs were filled with the rival clatter of itinerant shows; and more private noises were taken little notice of.

In regard to church fairs and entertainments, Dr. Conwell said in a sermon in 1893: "The Lord pity any church that has not enough of the spirit of Christ in it to stand a church fair, wherein devout offerings are brought to the tithing-house in the spirit of true devotion; the Lord pity any church that has not enough of the spirit of Jesus in it to endure or enjoy a pure entertainment.

Ladies in silks and satins carriages and horses sparkling in the sun men playing such beautiful music through shining brass horns little children dressed up like the dolls you see at the fairs fruit of every kind grand houses and gay streets but oh, Morva, nothing like the moor when the gorse and heather are in blossom, nothing like the sea and the rocks and the beautiful sky at night when the stars are shining; you couldn't see it, Morva, because of the lamps and the smoke."