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On this day, it was published that all acts by the royal Council in favor of the archbishop, the governor, and the Dominicans were approved; that the auditors were suspended; that the ex-governor was fined two thousand pesos; that all were summoned to Nueva España where they must await their sentence, in the place that had been selected, twenty leguas distant from Mejico; and, until a ship was ready, they were all banished from Manila to the same places where the archbishop and the other Dominican religious had been confined.

You must order them to do this according to the instructions sent you, and you shall stipulate that they try to bring some spice in order to make the essay of that traffic; and that, after fulfilling your orders, they shall return to that Nueva España, which they must do, so that it may be known whether the return voyage is assured."

The other, called the "Espiritu Santo," built by Joan Tello de Aguirre and other residents of Manila, was to make the voyage with the merchandise of that year credited to the builders, but was to pass into possession of his Majesty on its arrival in Nueva Espana, according to an agreement and contract made with the same governor, Don Francisco Tello.

To the Sacred Royal Catholic Majesty: I gave an account to your majesty of my departure from Puerto de la Nabidad, which is located in Nueva España, with your royal fleet for the discovery of the Western Islands. Continuing my voyage until February thirteen of this present year, I arrived at one of the Filipinas Islands.

I would not dare to make this statement to your Majesty if I did not know it from the relation of those very seven religious whom he brought hither from España. Antonio de Morga, written soon after his arrival in Mexico, in which he gave this information to persons from there.

Morga's Philippine Islands From their discovery by Magellan in 1521 to the beginning of the XVII Century; with descriptions of Japan, China and adjacent countries, by Dr. Alcalde of Criminal Causes, in the Royal Audiencia of Nueva Espana, and Counsel for the Holy Office of the Inquisition Completely translated into English, edited and annotated by E. H. BLAIR and J. A. ROBERTSON With Facsimiles

Consequently, when those people heard that our fleet had been made ready in Nueva España, our men were held in bad repute among the natives of that region. Therefore when our men arrived, the inhabitants, thinking them to be the Portuguese, fled to the mountains with their jewels and possessions.

* Zurita, lib. 20, c. 62; Mariana, Hist. de Espana; Abarca, Anales de Aragon. The populace gazed with almost savage triumph at these captive cavaliers and the gory heads of their companions, knowing them to have been part of the formidable garrison of Alhama, so long the scourge of Granada and the terror of the Vega.

He was highly pleased with them, and with the excellent evidences of Christianity which he beheld in them, especially with the chastity of the Bissayan women concerning whom he said that they had been unjustly slandered; for, although he had spent so long a time in Nueva España, he had not seen there so much reserve and modesty.

What has been seen is that the natives and Spaniards laymen and religious, men and women use it so commonly and generally that mornings and afternoons, at parties and visits, and even alone in their houses, all their refreshments and luxuries consist of buyos served on heavily-gilded and handsomely adorned plates and trays like chocolate in Nueva Espana.