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He is a sharp, fellow, Drillford, and he told me just now that he had glanced over those papers since Cortelyon's arrest, and he well, I only just stopped him from letting out to Miss Wickham who if the papers and the deduction to be drawn from them are correct she really is.

"Extraordinary!" muttered Viner. "What a piece of luck!" "No, sir!" said Drillford, stoutly. "No luck at all just a bit of good common-sense thinking on the part of a shrewd woman. But you'll want to know what we did. I was so absolutely certain of the truth of Miss Penkridge's theory that I immediately made preparations for a descent on Cortelyon's house.

Cortelyon!" she exclaimed. "Ah I remember now. Mr. Ashton once told me, in quite a casual way as we were passing through the square, that he had known Dr. Cortelyon in Australia, years and years ago!" Drillford glanced at Viner and smiled. "I wish you'd remembered that little matter before, Miss Wickham!" he said. "It might have saved a lot of trouble. Well Cortelyon's the man!

Then I began to make final preparations. But before I'd finished telling my men exactly what to do, another party drove up your companion, Miss Wickham, Mrs. Killenhall. She too entered. Then I moved quick. Some of us went to the front I with the others went in by the back. We made straight for Cortelyon's surgery, and we were on him and the other two before they'd time to move, literally.

"But now, this memorandum, evidently written by Ashton himself, in London, soon after he got here?" Mr. Carless ran his eye over the document which Mr. Pawle indicated. "Aye!" he said. "A most important, most valuable piece of evidence. You see that Cortelyon's name is mentioned in it.