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Trebia and Trasimene had both lessened their strength, but their losses had been much heavier in the terrible march across the Apennines in the spring, and by fevers subsequently contracted from the pestiferous malaria of the marshes in the summer. In point of numbers the gaps had been filled up by the contingents furnished by their Gaulish allies.

The result with some will justify his policy; but in the conquest of Syria, the truth is, Ibrahim himself used a golden sabre, and the year, before, the contingents of the pashas, whom he was obliged to bribe, were all busied in Europe.

They accused her of not supplying the contingents she had promised, they threatened to withhold their subsidies, many bitter recriminations passed, but still the queen, undismayed by the contentions, urged forward her preparations for the new campaign, till she was thunderstruck with the tidings that the preliminaries of peace were already signed by England, France and Holland.

The first portion consisted of the baggage animals and about half of the contingents of the nations; the second was composed wholly of native Persians, who preceded and followed the emblems of religion and the king; the third was made up of the remaining national contingents. The king himself rode alternately in a chariot and in a litter.

Baker replied that the War College Division of the General Staff wished the officers of the Regular Army to be kept at home, in order to train new men, and then to lead the first contingents which might go abroad.*

As to the numbers engaged, nothing certain is known. Some time was lost by the Argive army in delivering the customary harangues addressed by the generals of the several contingents to their men, and this enabled the Spartans to steady their ranks before the fighting began.

Extra precautions were taken in the submarine zone; but none of the German sea wolves rose to give battle with the American ships. The coming into port, too, was less exciting than they had thought it would be. The French people who were grouped along the quayside cheered and waved, but the incoming American contingents were arriving with such regularity that the strangeness had worn away.

The allies were welcomed by the secondary German princes, who, in return for compacts guaranteeing their sovereignty, promised to raise contingents that amounted in all to upwards of a quarter of a million of men. Bernadotte marched against the Danes and cut off Davoust in Hamburg, where that Marshal bravely held out to the end of the war.

Five days later the Boers failed in an attempt to recapture the town, which was saved by a detachment of the Rhodesian Field Force. This force, which was under the command of Sir F. Carrington, was composed mainly of mounted contingents from the Colonies.

Demands for contingents from some of the small States of Germany M. Metternich Position of Russia with respect to France Union of Austria and Russia Return of the English to Spain Soult King of Portugal, and Murat successor to the Emperor First levy of the landwehr in Austria Agents of the Hamburg 'Correspondent' Declaration of Prince Charles Napoleon's march to Germany His proclamation Bernadotte's departure for the army Napoleon's dislike of Bernadotte Prince Charles' plan of campaign The English at Cuxhaven Fruitlessness of the plots of England Napoleon wounded Napoleon's prediction realised Major Schill Hamburg threatened and saved Schill in Lubeck His death, and destruction of his band Schill imitated by the Duke of Brunswick-Oels Departure of the English from Cuxhaven.