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Bignolio. "Dear, dear uncle!" exclaimed Alberto, carefully buttoning up his pocket over the funds, and kissing the letter in transports of joy. "And only yesterday he would not lend me a scudi to get my dinner. Generous man! how have I wronged him! Now, Fate, I will floor thee and Rodicaso together." Overtop's acting, throughout this difficult scene, was of a superior order.

His fine rendition of the character of Bignolio might as well have been played to a select company of gravestones. There was a necessary interval of twenty minutes for the fitting out of the stage during which time the amateur orchestra performed selections from "Semiramide," but, happily, not loud enough to interfere with the easy flow of conversation all over the room.

But her time for fainting had not yet come! "Boy!" said Signor Rodicaso, with a composure that was perfectly wonderful, "there is another hand than thine in all this work. Thou art but the poor tool and I despise thee!" "Here is the hand!" exclaimed the uncle Bignolio, drawing out his leg from its seclusion, and bringing his whole body into full view. "Dost know it?"

But her time to faint had not yet come. "Bignolio the usurer!" cried the notary, witnesses, and Bidette in chorus. "Yes," returned that gentleman; "Bignolio the usurer, who now is proud to claim the dearer title of 'own uncle' to his nephew Alberto. That nephew he this day receives into his partnership, and proclaims his only heir. Come to my arms, adopted son!"

Alberto took a step away from the ghastly intruder, and was evidently at a loss what to do. His face was eloquent with bewilderment and mortification. The father looked confused and sheepish, and put his hands into his pockets. Bidette screamed a little, and fled to the opposite scenes. Uncle Bignolio whistled and smiled, and was evidently amused at the occurrence.

The father raised his hands above the couple, and blessed them in the correct way, never seen off the stage. Uncle Bignolio wiped his eyes, and murmured, "Dear boy! How much he looks like his father now!" a remark somewhat out of place, considering that Alberto's back was turned to the uncle. Bidette hovered near the happy group, and danced for joy.

Uncle Bignolio alone fulfilled the requirements of his part, by casting Mephistophelean leers at the Signor, and now and then stealthily shaking his fists at him.

He held up his right hand, to carry out the idea of the author. "It is the hand of Bignolio the usurer," said Signor Rodicaso, despondingly, seeing now that the game was clearly against him. "Bignolio the usurer!" exclaimed the father, still wrapped in amazement. "Bignolio the usurer!" murmured Fidelia, whose woman's wit divined the mystery of his appearance.