United States or Jersey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Large areas of land bought from the Indian tribes by the Government, almost at once became the property of canal or railroad corporations by the process of Government grants. The Indian tribes were paid either by grants of land elsewhere, or in money and merchandise. For those 442,866,370 acres they received exchange land valued at $53,757,400, and money and merchandise amounting to $31,331,403.

Thus from 1830 to 1840, the rate is as 2167/41 or 53 nearly; from 1840 to 1850, 7355/2167, or 3 nearly; and from 1850 to 1856, 23242/ 7355 or 3 nearly; and from 1850 to 1860 we may suppose the rate will be about 4.

Madame Patey was there, went up to the poor old gentleman and kissed his forehead. Handel was struck in 1737 when he was 53 years old, but happily recovered. I forget Madame Patey's exact age, but it was somewhere about this. Handel and Shakespeare

The mean temperature for the month was 33 3/4 degrees, but the thermometer had sunk as low as 16 degrees and on one occasion rose to 53 degrees. Besides the party constantly employed at the house two men were appointed to fish and others were occasionally sent for meat as the hunters procured it.

"Between the parallels of 24 minutes 17 seconds and 24 minutes 53 seconds, the river preserves generally a very direct course to the south-south-west, and maintains an unvaried character, although the supply of water greatly decreases below the latitude of 24 degrees 25 minutes.

After that, she went into Miss Munsell's room, and three little girls in there gave Miss Mussell a copy of Tennyson's poems that cost exactly $2.53, which was what Miss Crutchet had collected, and Miss Mussell cried because she was so surprised.

Judges during their continuance in office shall not have their emoluments decreased and shall not be transferred to other offices, nor shall they be removed from office except when they are convicted of crimes, or of offences punishable according to law by removal from office. Regulations for the punishment of judges shall be determined by law. Art. 53.

The highest Pyramid 77½ Strasburg Cathedral to the top of the vane 71¾ St. Peter's at Rome, to the summit of the cross 68 Church of the Invalids at Paris to the vane 54 St. Paul's Cathedral, London, to the top of the Cross 53

The quotient the multiplicand That the knaves should have gone out this blessed minute! the acceleration being at the rate of 5 minutes, 55 seconds, 53 thirds, 59 fourths I will switch them both when they come back I will, by the bones of the immortal Napier!"

They are a group of islands and rocks above water, situated about six leagues from the main, and in the latitude of 55° 53' S., longitude 69° 41' W.